Name - Rick Thompson Email - Date -- Friday, 2 August 2002, at 3:29 p.m. From - memphis I can agree with many of the comments that have been posted on the website concerning race issues. anyone that thinks he or she has a particular problem concerning any form of discrimination whether race, color creed or disability, procedures have been put into place for your protection. The proper course of action is as follows: The Grievance procedure along with Federal and States Agencies (EEOC) and etc. As Business Manager of this Local, I respect the thoughts of the writers and agree that race problems seem to be on the rise and they need to be dealt with Directly and Swiftly. However, I wanted everyone to know that these Race Problems is not just one sided. Whether MLGW Management decisions are right or wrong on who they choose to run individual departments, this Local Union cannot and willnot allow those decisions to infect our members with disrespect for one another. We must all stand together with a common bond for one another,to cut out like a cancer, anything that individually effects even one of you, especially departments that concern many members. Always remember the Union Declaration of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on 1288's Homepage to stand for Human Justice, Human Rights, and Human Security. United We Stand! Name - joe joeDate -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 10:59 p.m. From - memphis this is a great website. I am in the gas department, why do management hate us so bad. Name - TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE Email - HEAVEN Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 10:51 p.m. From - ALL AROUND YES IT IS TRUE THAT THE GAS DEPARTMENT IS 90% BLACK AND WE HAVE NO BLACK SUPERVISORS. ALSO ALL MUST KNOW THAT MOST OF THE WHITE LEADERS IN GAS ARE LEADING WITH GED'S. TO NAME SOME OF THEM: RICKY RAINES, DOUG ALDERSON, TOM MORGAN, BIN HOLLAND, GENE CRAWFORD, TINKER RHOADS, WALLY KELLET. HOW CAN PEOPLE WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION LEAD THE GAS DEPARTMENT. ONE MUST WONDER DO THEY BELIEVE THAT IF YOU ARE WHITE YOU ARE RIGHT. BLACKS WITH EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE CAN ONLY SET AND WATCH THESE GED RECIPENTS AND PERSONNEL MAKE IT HARDER AND HARDER FOR BLACKS TO ADVANCE AT MLGW. WE MUST PRAY THAT HERMAN TAKE A LONG LOOK AT THE GAS DEPARTMENT AND FIGURE THAT IT;S MANAGEMENT TEAM IS NOT QUALIFIED TO LEAD NOTHING OR NO ONE. Name - regular guy Email - Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 7:31 p.m. From - city hey ya'll regular guy here,just wanted to drop a line. did you know that all companys that fail or go out of business do so because of bad management!! now with that said,heres a call to all of management,come on you guys don't you know you cannot make it without us! we do the hands on work we take all the cannot turn on power or water or gas from that building down town,so stop being sneaky and do the right thing. togather we can make it good for all of us and our customers! peace ya'll Name - tonyDate -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 6:40 p.m. From - memphis i think this is the best website in the world. thanks IBEW Leaders. I love you all. Name - Rick Thompson Email - Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 9:48 a.m. From - memphis Everybody is asking for the elected Officials e-mail address. Keep a watch on this web. I will have all of the city council members e-mail and phones numbers on our political section on thi web site. Name - Jane Email - --- --- --- --- Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 8:35 a.m. From - memphis Starting now cut-off employees want be allow to take checks any longer from customers. Information Center employees not be working after 7:30 p.m. Customers Services men want be working after 8:30 p.m. This will do nothing but make the customers mad. And then after the city election next year if the mayor decide to sell mlgw again, the Memphis community will be on his side. This looks like the plan. Name - Bob Email - no email Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 8:10 a.m. From - memphis even though the gas department is 90% black and management has refused to ever promote a black supervisor. Dont look at race as they trying to make it look. you need to look at the way they do the Contracts. They need somebody that will play ball with them. Look at the Inspectors and supervisor that are associate with the contractors. It all about the money being kept in their little circle. Name - Joe Email - Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 7:51 a.m. From - memphis There is no respect for the employees in the gas Department We believe the people responsible is First and far most is Gene Crawford, second Larry Thompson, third Ware Stinson. This seem to be the tone they have set. Name - James JJJJJJ Email - no Date -- Thursday, 1 August 2002, at 7:40 a.m. From - memphis Keep your eyes on what's going on around MLGW. Look at the changes very closely. Look at what is happen to the Information Center as well as Customer Service Department. Top Management is getting MLGW ready to "SELL" again. I believe they will be working with the mayor this time. Other wises why would Dillihunt be making all these changes to up-set the customers. Name - JUANDate -- Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 11:04 p.m. From - THE HOOD just send-in a word out to regular guy RIGHT ON BROTHER!!! come on 1288 lets hear from each other, lets tell the truth about how they run mlgw,we are city workers and you got peoples making thousands of $$$$ yet they don't get in the danger everyday,the most dangerous thing they have to watch is there cholestoral!!! Name - regular guy Email - Date -- Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 10:53 p.m. From - city hello brothers and sisters!just wanted to say somthing to all the V.P"s that are reading these comments (and we know you are!) on the best web-site. that we all heard that you guys feel you need more then 180,000$a year to be able to do your job!well just like you tell us? WHAT HAS CHANGED IN YOUR JOB TO JUSTIFY THIS INCREASE! matter of fact just what do you do to earn 180,000$-PLUS Name - Michael JonesDate -- Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 2:48 p.m. From - Memphis I like to encourage all of the bargaining unit employees who are not in the union to join today. We must unite and fight against unfair working conditions. Name - Rick Thompson Email - Date -- Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 2:39 p.m. From - Memphis I want to inform the membership that I have sent the Memphis City Council and all the Shelby County elected officals, the addresses of our new website and e-mail. We encourage all IBEW members to continue posting their veiw points on the site. That way the elected officals and the public can understand your thought about IBEW and MLGW. Thanks, Rick Thompson Business Manager. Name - billy godsey Email - Date -- Wednesday, 31 July 2002, at 11:38 a.m. From - memphis This is just testing the guest book. Name - Rick Thompson Email - Date -- Monday, 29 July 2002, at 9:06 p.m. From - Memphis 1.IBEW-1288 Executive Board Meeting First Tuesday Of Each Month 7:00P.M 2.IBEW-1288 Membership Meeting First Thursday Of Each Month 7:00P.M 3.IBEW-1288 Steward Meeting Third Thursday Of Each Month 5:30P.M